Welcome to my website! I am an assistant professor in the Department of Real Estate at NUS Business School, National University of Singapore.
My research interests lie at the intersection of urban, transportation, environmental, and energy economics, and empirical industrial organization. My current research focuses on public transit provision, electric vehicles, energy regulation and gasoline demand.
I received my PhD from the Dyson School of Applied Economics and Management at Cornell University.
Email: binglin.wang[at]nus.edu.sg
Address: Mochtar Riady Building, 15 Kent Ridge Drive #07-35, Singapore, 119245
Charging Infrastructure and Consumer Incentives Drive Cross-Country Disparities in Electric Vehicle Adoption, with Shanjun Li, Muxi Yang, and Fan Zhang
Selected Media Coverage: The Economist, World Bank Blogs, CICER
Previously circulated as "The Global Diffusion of Electric Vehicles: Lessons from the First Decade", No 9882, Policy Research Working Paper Series, The World Bank.
Pass-Through of Electric Vehicle Subsidies: A Global Analysis, with Panle Barwick, Hyuk-soo Kwon, and Nahim Zahur. American Economic Association: Papers & Proceedings, 113 (2023): 323-28.
Decarbonizing Passenger Transportation in Developing Countries: Lessons and Perspectives, with Shanjun Li and Hui Zhou. Regional Science and Urban Economics, 107 (2024): 103977
Regulation under Distortions: Evidence from an Energy Savings Program, with Wenjie Luo, and Lin Yang
Price Regulation Reform and Gasoline Demand in China, with Jing Li and Shanjun Li
Cornell University
Instructor, Excursion in Environmental Economics: Theory and Application, CICER Winter Research Program, 2022 [Syllabus]
Outstanding Teaching Assistant Award for the 2022-2023 academic year
Aplin Teaching Excellence Fellowship Award, 2022
Teaching Assistant, AEM 7100: Econometrics (Ph.D core), 2023
Teaching Assistant, AEM 4510: Environmental Economics, 2022
Teaching Assistant, AEM 3205: Business Ethics, 2020-2021